Projections | Animations | Paper


This is one of the first frame animations I captured. I had recently come back into possession of my small projector, and had been working on a drawing project using brown packing paper and my walls to avoid the drawings getting covered by tat due to low levels of surface space in my room at the time. I would like to develop this idea further, but need more space to set up the whole thing again, or a different space. The shapes are wrong where I am living now in terms of windows and positions of things on walls.

I've been using the projector like this, it's been an interesting thing. The animation above was made using frames taken during this process, this is from somewhere in there.

I am planning on doing something more intricate or longer in time using a video camera to log the progress so I don't have to decide in the moment where I capture what with the camera remote producing stills. My camera is set up for photography rather than frame capture for animation.

Skylit Icons - d. 28.07.2018, 20:07.

I also need to create something to hold the projector such that I can move it about, I may look at the possibility of suspending it in someway it's only little after all.
* * *
I bought a 5m roll of a meter wide packing paper to stick up on the wall to draw on. I can never keep my desk clear or tidy enough to have space for paper, pens, and pencils. 

I also have my projector back - I am planning on doing some drawings around projected images, and layered sections.

The head here is drawn from a projected photograph in two parts. 
 The stuck up sheets are where the layering is going to begin. I intend on adding new sheets for the new drawings building up layers of sectioned views of drawings as old parts are covered and new parts trickle through.

I am going to try to find a way to timelapse the creation of these images, but due to the nature of my projector it is far easier to work at night, when it is harder to photograph due to lack of light.

I also need to build some platforms so the projections are less wibbly than they are at the moment, it is also not possible to take consistent photographs of the scene without a tripod in the way or a platform for the camera.

I may add some colour in the future, but the charcoal and chalks are something different I've not really worked with before. 

We shall see how this goes.

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